Preservation Efforts
Flash has gone but Doodlelong has returned online with some compromises.
Website address change
Doodlelong.com is moving to the Frosty Badger website.
8 Years and Still Doodling
It has been 8 years since doodle #1 started it.

as of 12th March 2025 at 12:29 pm (GMT+8)...
12559 doodles have been saved . 64771589.78 pixels of ink has been used . that calculates to 899605.41 inches at 72dpi . which equals 22.85 km
each doodle canvas is 420 pixels wide . the total canvas width is 5274780 pixels . if printed out at 72dpi it would cover 1.8608251666667 km of land . that is the length of 17.72 football (soccer) pitches
there are 104 doodles by 42 separate artists that have been highlighted by the site admins . our top artist is Brice who appears in our highlights 51 times